Site selection and preparation
for urban meadows
Euroflor can be successfully sown on different soil types such as loam, sand, clay, stone and those with a slightly acidic to alkaline soils in the pH range of 5 – 8. It is important to avoid extreme acidic and high alkaline soils. Organic matter, such as composted leaf mould or manure should be added where soil quality is poor.
Euroflor sowings at 5g per m2 has been successfully trialed on steep slopes. Avoid soil erosion by watering frequently and stopping before runoff occurs. Slopes will dry out quickly especially those exposed to wind.
Shaded areas vary in light intensity but as a basic guide, if natural vegetation grows, so will Euroflor.
The addition of a pre-seeded fertilizer such as Apex Organic 4.6.4 will improve the establishment of seedlings and provide nutrition for later growth. Soils known to be low in fertility may benefit from a soil analysis to check for deficiencies that may impact upon subsequent plant growth.
This is the single most aggravating factor for the establishment of Urban Meadows; in extreme cases it can out compete the flower displays making it look unsightly and neglected. Seeds can remain viable in the soil for many years. When surface vegetation is removed, weed seeds in the soil may germinate and bare soil will become covered by seedlings that need to be removed. This may be necessary 2 or 3 times over one or two growing seasons.
Soil should be similarly prepared as for sowing grass seed but not to the same fine tilth quality as required for a level lawn.
It is important not to overwork a clay soil as heavier seed may sink in too deeply and not be able to put shoots up to the surface. On the other hand, a slightly underworked lumpy soil will provide micro crevices that may assist the seed to germinate in such sheltered moist areas.
The first three weeks are critical as this is the key germination period and the soil ideally needs to be kept moist. During establishments, irrigation may be required during dry weather conditions, particularly on free draining soils. Drought stress can result in partial germination, incomplete ground cover, stunted growth and premature flowering.
If the site is particularly prone to bird problems, increase sowing rate to compensate.