Rigby Taylor’s Euroflor urban meadow flower seed mixes have played a key role in the success of Electricity North West’s ‘Transforming our Spaces’ project by revamping substations throughout the region with spectacular displays of colour from flower mixes that also attract a host of pollinators.
The colourful displays produced by the Euroflor seed mixes also drew laudatory comments from the local communities as well as council officials and MPs.
For example, commenting on one site, Copeland MP Trudy Harrison said: “Electricity North West has planted what was previously grassland, requiring regular and costly maintenance, into a beautiful and environmentally beneficial wildflower oasis…This is an economic, environmental and social win, win, win project which should be replicated all over the UK.”
Angie Thornton, Electricity North West’s Groundworks Delivery Manager, who is heading up the scheme, said: “We are all absolutely delighted with the results; the sites truly have been transformed from what used to be eyesores into beautifully vibrant areas for the local communities to take pride in and spaces for revitalising insects and wildlife.
“Substations aren’t always aesthetically pleasing but they are a key part of the electricity network. The project has been extremely well received by the communities and residents are keen to get involved and replant flowers in the future.”